

Synopsis Born of a flower and growing to only a couple of inches tall, poor Thumbelina (Jodi Benson) is worried she'll never meet someone her own size, until ...

Thumbelina (1994 film)

Thumbelina is a 1994 American independent animated musical fantasy film directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, based on the story of the same name by Hans ...

Thumbelina (1994)

Thumbelina: Directed by Don Bluth, Gary Goldman. With Gino Conforti, Barbara Cook, Jodi Benson, Will Ryan. This retelling of the Hans Christian Andersen ...

Thumbelina (1994)

Thumbelina (1994) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.

Thumbelina (film)

Thumbelina is a 1994 Irish-American animated film directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman from a screenplay by Bluth based on Hans Christian Andersen's ...

Thumbelina Full Movie 1994

2019年12月14日 — Subject: ORIGINAL RELEASE BY WARNER BROS. On February 19, 2002, Thumbelina was re-released on VHS and DVD; by 20th Century Fox Home ...

Thumbelina [DVD] [1994]

Thumbelina [DVD] [1994] ... 通常會在5 到6 天內出貨。


SynopsisBornofaflowerandgrowingtoonlyacoupleofinchestall,poorThumbelina(JodiBenson)isworriedshe'llnevermeetsomeoneherownsize,until ...,Thumbelinaisa1994AmericanindependentanimatedmusicalfantasyfilmdirectedbyDonBluthandGaryGoldman,basedonthestoryofthesamenamebyHans ...,Thumbelina:DirectedbyDonBluth,GaryGoldman.WithGinoConforti,BarbaraCook,JodiBenson,WillRyan.ThisretellingoftheHansChristianAnder...

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